I gotta wonder why there's so many clowns here on this thread but Real question time Anyone getting Farcry 5? What are your opinions of the other games in the series
I would if I had the right game system. I don't have an opinion on the other games since I haven't played them but I do have the third one but I've barely played it to have an opinion
I gotta wonder why there's so many clowns here on this thread but Real question time Anyone getting Farcry 5? What are your opinions of the other games in the series
I would if I had the right game system. I don't have an opinion on the other games since I haven't played them but I do have the third one but I've barely played it to have an opinion
Dragon Age, Fall out 4 and the saga of assassin´ creed would be my favorite. The last assassin is proving to be a good game that will take away a couple of hours of my life
Dragon Age, Fall out 4 and the saga of assassin´ creed would be my favorite. The last assassin is proving to be a good game that will take away a couple of hours of my life
How does the new combat system compare to the other games? Is it better or worse? Does it feel organic and natural? Do you reckon they'll make more games with that style? Should they?
Compared with the previus sagas, it has improved a lot in terms of movement, mobility and parkour is easier. I also like the development of the character improving both his equipment, skilss and weapons. The combat system reminds me a bit of Dark Soul. So far I have not encountered many problems and I like the stroy more than the two previous sagas.
Is there any Assassins Creed game that is your favourite? I'm quite fond of Black Flag
As much as i love black flag, i'm torn between Rogue and Origins. i love the combat and story on both of those. i definately had a lot more fun playing those two than the other games
Is there any Assassins Creed game that is your favourite? I'm quite fond of Black Flag
As much as i love black flag, i'm torn between Rogue and Origins. i love the combat and story on both of those. i definately had a lot more fun playing those two than the other games
I got to play a bit of a demo on origins but I don't have time to play it so I haven't bought yet. I didn't get a feel for the combat during the demo, it just wasn't long enough for me. But, I am looking forward to getting it eventually. I felt that rogue was just black flag but in the cold, with a dude going from assassin to templar, instead of pirate to assassin.
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