Hallo hallo there! All right, well it's great to see things kick off in the forum, and to see fresh new faces join House Danarya/Stargaryen. This is a fresh new shiney space, so I say why not make the best of it
First off, I'd like to know if anybody has a suggestion of what they would like to see in the forums? Additional boards, or maybe customize our titles to something a bit more GoT related?
As if now we only have "Fanfiction/Fanart/Other" boards, but I suggest perhaps we can expand it a bit further and see where the winds may take us?
Secondly, it'd be great to reach out to our fellow fans so we can get the third bit going which is...
Events! Or something to help kick off Stargaryen/Danarya discussions and/or Fan-created shipping work Any suggestions for that, too?
In fact, I was thinking maybe we can create a thread or a board full if prompt lists which we can then fill?
Seriously, lay it in the table - any ideas at all - and we'll make it happen!
And lastly: thank you all for joining, once again. Hope to see you all soon.
I think that you and Issandri have done a great job here (and still loving the Danarya banner!)
I think the big challenge right now is letting people know this forum exists. In a small fandom, that takes more time than usual.
Right now, the only people who know about this place are those who read the comments section of Many Faces - actually, not true, I see the awesome Tumblr has been updated with this link as well, so that should also help =D
Dayz has been kind enough to offer some advertising in her next fic updates.
And I'll e-mail the link out to a few readers who I know are 'Stargaryen/Danarya 4 Lyfe'.
I think the prompt lists is a great idea (I actually sort of mentioned that in the Fanfiction thread before I read this), and hell, even just an 'I wish someone would write this scene' list might be good too - not a full fic request, just one scene or conversation writers could take on as mini-requests right on the board here. Just to spark out some creativity (and make people happy while doing it).
That could even be an event - on one particular chosen day, writers can sign-on to write out some wish-fulfillment left on the board. It'd be even more interesting if multiple writers took on the same scene/conversation, and you could see how much differently it would play out (or how similarly).
And fanart requests. Oh, it would be epic to be able to request fanart...!
Oh hells, I'm down to get fanart requests! Although it might take me time to request for fanart prompts, since work's been kicking my ass lately (three night shifts ech D:)
But seriously though, fanart requests I'm down to do I'm already doing a couple!
That said, you're right, I think spreading the news to what little group we have is top priority indeed Can't really have much going on when it's just four of us at the moment, but this thread can stand as an open floor for any and every ideas out there.
Welcome~ This forum is a place for all Dany x Arya shippers to meet up and discuss the world, the lore, and the wonderful characters who make this ship! Have fun, everyone!