Since Hector broke the ice, I'll introduce myself as well! I'm Toby, aka Issandri, aka nopantsparade.
These days I busy myself with tumblr, writing, and drawing (and lately drawing has been what I do most often, since I started taking commissions.) Heckie drew me back to GoT and stargaryen/danarya when he reccommended Starky's work to me, and I've been hooked ever since. I wasn't really all that into GoT past watching the first two seasons or so, but I'm into pretty much anything gay so.... here I am
We're working on some writing and drawing for the good ship now, so hopefully you'll enjoy!
Dragons happened.
Welcome~ This forum is a place for all Dany x Arya shippers to meet up and discuss the world, the lore, and the wonderful characters who make this ship! Have fun, everyone!