Welcome to the Stargaryen / Danarya messageboard, and glad to have you join our little band!
Please do pop in to the Introduce Yourselves board, and click on 'Create Thread' button near the top right of your screen. Once you create a thread and introduce yourselves, our current members will be sure dish out their unique warm welcomes to people joining our humble abode It will certainly help us get to know you, and help us introduce the forum landmarks and go-tos for your convenience.
Our rules on this thread are, at its very basic:
- Please be kind and polite to others. - Political and other sensitive topics are not allowed. - Please no hate-speech, trolling, and spamming threads.
In order to keep order in this forum, unfortunately our staff will be forced to take action if anyone creates a ruckus, ranging from temporary to permanent banning.
However! Please don't be mistaken, as currently we are a friendly bunch, and I personally doubt anyone will have in mind to stir trouble for now
All in all, please have fun! And please don't hesitate to reach out to any members or staff~ our doors are always open.
Welcome~ This forum is a place for all Dany x Arya shippers to meet up and discuss the world, the lore, and the wonderful characters who make this ship! Have fun, everyone!