I know this is an old Thread but still, the whole book writing of Martin gets a bit on my nerves. He wanted to release "Winds of Winter" a lot earlier and now we are all still waiting for it. Maybe if you get famous you loose your muse or Motivation since, you don't have to write it anymore?
For some reason this all feels a bit like the books from "Robert Jordan - The Wheel of time" that book series wouldn't and wouldn'T end and later he died, without finishing it. Even if someone finished it a few years back, i can't chake the feleing this will happen to Martin.
It is entirely possible and even likely. He has his Targaryen projects which he loves as his favorite part of the verse. He has lost all interest in anything else.
“I’m not a Lady, I’m a Wolf!” "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." The tormentor becomes the tormented. People become what they love and hate, because their mind focuses on it."
That is really what i would fear. But to a tiny bit i'm fearing the damn end. Then we will have to read about Dany/Jon *shudders*
Very often i wonder, WHY can't book authors, Anime and manga writers or TV-Show makers end a series good. ALWAYs i feel like the end wasn't doing a good Show or series justice and is just to flat.
It always feels like getting ebtter na dbetter and better only to be denied the furious end and orgam that you seek. lol
Last Edit: Mar 31, 2018 22:08:48 GMT by killthebeast
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