I assume that most people here are familure with "Honest Trailers" on youtube.
If you arnt. Well. Heres the Honest Trailers for Game of Thrones.
So here is what I was thinking for this little game. For the writers of house Danarya to write a "Honest Trailer" style summery of their own stories... or other stories. To give an example. Frosted Faith Prepare yourself, for a slow burn so angonizingly slow, it takes ten long chapters for the main lesbians to even meet. Full of characters you love to love, you love to hate, and you just dont at all. Follow along on an adventure thats does a better job at following lore then both the show and GRRM himself, written by a writer who leaves sentences half finish - seriously, what the hell?- Staring; 200 hours on the Wiki, Characters only seen in the Tell Tale Game, and crippling writers block.
Get ready to read the aging fanfic that coined the Stargaryen tag, only to have it ripped off by multiple other competing fandoms years later! Riddled with rookie writer mistakes and confusing cross-media lore, this fic’s claim to fame is just the fact that it was actually finished. While HBO decided to turn Arya into the Braavos Wolverine, Allegiance returns her to her God-given place as Westeros’ Batman, complete with brooding, black leather and makeshift medieval ninja moves.
Indulge in a brutal overuse of cliffhangers and flashbacks that probably would have driven readers away, if any other Arya/Dany fic had actually been updated during the time of its publication. Watch the bookmark count skyrocket as soon as some Sansaery was shamelessly added into the mix, along with the arrival of the long awaited sexy-times chapter – seriously guys, Chapter 28 has triple the hits of any other in the entire fic. Finally, delve deep into the infamous comments section, which ended up being more entertaining than the chapters themselves.
Starring: Dany in Disguise, Arya Wayne, Lovely Little Wife Tyrion, a High Valyrian lesson no one will ever forget, and a way better spin on the origin of the Iron Bank than GRRM will ever give you
I'm in tears. You guys are so good with these. If I somewhat, someday, get a fic going I'll try to cooperate on this one.
I really want to.
Also... Honest Trailer of the House? That would be something... But is something I can't do, as a veeery tired person - like, why is so hard to keep my eyes open?
Come read a trilogy that requires two full books of world building and background information all before reaching the book in the series with the pairing that Danarya fans TRULY care about. And watch as it takes another ten to fifteen more chapters to even get our two lovely ladies in the same country. Wait in anticipation as the Author's head voices dominate her time with much more distracting things all in-between breaks of going to work and procrastinating by reading OTHERS fanfictions.
Starring: The Thirty plus voices in Miller's head, An Author with the Attention Span of a blink, and a New House that is too Cool that GRRM and the idiots at HBO couldn't even be creative enough to come up with.
Also Starring: Characters that deserved much better than their original creators gave them.
Come read a trilogy that requires two full books of world building and background information all before reaching the book in the series with the pairing that Danarya fans TRULY care about. And watch as it takes another ten to fifteen more chapters to even get our two lovely ladies in the same country.
Oh RosePup! You wound the impatient hearts of your readers! ..then again, we all know that good things come to those who wait
Starring: The Thirty plus voices in Miller's head, An Author with the Attention Span of a blink, and a New House that is too Cool that GRRM and the idiots at HBO couldn't even be creative enough to come up with.
there are all of the win points, ever.
Also Starring: Characters that deserved much better than their original creators gave them.
Come read a trilogy that requires two full books of world building and background information all before reaching the book in the series with the pairing that Danarya fans TRULY care about. And watch as it takes another ten to fifteen more chapters to even get our two lovely ladies in the same country. Wait in anticipation as the Author's head voices dominate her time with much more distracting things all in-between breaks of going to work and procrastinating by reading OTHERS fanfictions.
Starring: The Thirty plus voices in Miller's head, An Author with the Attention Span of a blink, and a New House that is too Cool that GRRM and the idiots at HBO couldn't even be creative enough to come up with.
Also Starring: Characters that deserved much better than their original creators gave them.
Love it Miler
“I’m not a Lady, I’m a Wolf!” "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." The tormentor becomes the tormented. People become what they love and hate, because their mind focuses on it."
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