I am that voice who is going to sweetly whisper to you that yes, yes indeed, you want, nay, NEED to write Tormund In A Drag Show (with friends, any and all friends Wildling, Crow and Knight alike)
In the meantime, I'm here to see the end through with you all. Not-so-secretly clutching the teeniest, tiniest, most microscopic bit of hope that there might be something for me to work with by the end of it all, even if only because certain characters die...
Well, in the major chance that hope is crushed, I hope we get to see more of you if and when WoW is released! In the meantime, we enjoy your company in these dark and uncertain times! and hope our meager contributions to the fandom give you some small bit of satisfaction haha
To seek out answers on matters of the heart is to make lost something that has already been found.
Welcome~ This forum is a place for all Dany x Arya shippers to meet up and discuss the world, the lore, and the wonderful characters who make this ship! Have fun, everyone!